Tonight, we’re going to party – all the Southern Cali-based people from the automotive aftermarket industry are going to the DSPORT 100th Issue Anniversary party! It’s going to take place at a club called Voyeur in the heart of Hollywood, and DSPORT said we could invite all our friends. This means YOU! Our Southern Cali-based MotorMavens Crew members will be in attendance (as well as MotorMavenette Samantha Totem) for sure – not just to drink up all the free drinks that the DSPORT Crew will be pouring us in the NOS Energy Drink VIP Lounge, but to celebrate the success story of an independent automotive publication!
These days, most of the big automotive media outlets online and in print are controlled by big multi-million dollar corporations. Unfortunately, many of these big corporate giants are able to step all over the smaller independent guys just because they have more money to throw around… and aftermarket advertisers seem to always flock to those that are already big. This forces all the real hardcore independents out there to hustle and struggle just to stay alive; just to keep the lights on; just to make it to the next event; just to keep pushing out more quality content.
DSPORT might be distributed nationwide in lots of bookstores and 7-Elevens and whatnot, but let me guarantee you… DSPORT is not one of these big corporate giants, even though their distribution might make them look like that. The DSPORT crew is not living the baller life just yet (And anyone who has had a snack or a meeting in their conference room will know exactly what I’m talking about! LOL). They’re definitely doing their thing though; they work hard, and they’re doing a great job of growing their brand.
This goes out to all the independent businesses and media outlets out there. This goes out to all the everyday people that are hustling and struggling to grow something they believe in.
The MotorMavens Crew definitely knows what that’s all about – so it goes without saying that we’ll be in attendance to celebrate independence from corporate control and kick back some drinks with our friends! If you feel what I’m saying, come out to Voyeur tonight and chill with us and congratulate our friends at DSPORT!
Just tell the tall Vietnamese guys at the door that you’re ‘here with MotorMavens!’ The address and info is on the flyer above.
:: Antonio Alvendia
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I don’t think I can make it there in time…dang!!
Wish you could make it, Dan!
see ya there buddy
Hell YEAH Will! It’ll be great to see you! Hope you don’t dip out super quick like you did at the MotorMavens Xmas Party! I looked for you and you were gone! hahaha
Tipping up my Root Beer for the independent car mags and just independent businesses and movements that people are hustling for.
I totally support Antonio’s shout out to the hustlers out there going big for their passions. Quality over quantity! Actually, Quality will become Quantity!
As a Quality Engineer, I deal everyday with the results of doing something up right the first time. Doing something right takes courage, it usually takes more up front effort (and money) but in the end, a better product results, customers are happier and will come back and tell their friends.
Stepping down from the box of soap now. haha
@Hechtspeed: Chris, since you mentioned root beer, you MUST try to find SPARKY’S ROOT BEER. It’s available at select Beverages & More locations, or at some gastropubs and trendy restaurants. SPARKY’S ROOTBEER is THE best root beer I’ve ever tried in my life.
It is sharp and spicy (but not too spicy), and makes Weinhards, IBC, Mug, A&W, Barq’s and all others taste like watered down crap.
Anyway, YES! Quality over quantity! Thank you for UNDERSTANDING where we’re coming from! Wish you could have partied with us tonight.
The DSPORT Party was SUPER FUN! Thanks to Tobin, Vinh, Jeren, Richard, and Mike for taking care of us and all our guests! Now it’s time to finally sleep!