You can call me biased (having been raised with a rust covered MkI Rabbit in the driveway and learning how to drive in a MkII Golf) but in my humble opinion, the Euro scene has some of the best car shows in the country. Especially the VW/Audi crowd or VAG if you prefer. (VAG… hehe)
With that said, my boy “Mooch”, Dave Mucci drove all the way to Maryland this weekend from Chicago in his E30 BMW and he sent over some great photos from the H20 International Fest. I’ll post the photos up in the coming days but I thought I’d start you off with this awesome video from Steven Nawrocki. He did a great job of capturing the automotive onslaught of Ocean City that is H20. Enjoy all of the great cars from the show (Especially all the pristine MkII Golfs that I dream of owning!) Great job Steven!
:: Pat Daly
Du lourd !!!