Independence Day weekend was certainly a busy for those of us in Southern California. There were so many parties and car events to go to, it was really difficult choosing what to do this weekend. While many of my other friends spent the 4th of July having BBQs or enjoying the cool breeze in Huntington Beach, Drift Day organizer Naoki Kobayashi talked my friends and I into making the long, long trek out to the National Orange Show (NOS) Center in San Bernardino, CA for the Megan Racing Drift Competition.
You don’t have to say it; we know what you’re thinking. Megan Racing? Yes, we’re talking about that Megan Racing. Working with Naoki from Drift Day, Megan Racing has decided to show its support of grassroots drifters, by throwing a fully catered drifting competition (thanks for the tacos, Megan Racing!), complete with a two thousand dollar purse for the winners. (Although, we didn’t stick around til the end, so we weren’t sure if they actually gave out money to the winners, or just a really expensive handbag.) Either way, we think it’s great that a company with products catering to the grassroots drifting community would actually give back to the grassroots drifting community by putting together an event like this!
This weekend wasn’t our first time in San Bernardino. Yesterday though, we happened to notice how much it looked like the wild west. Many of the buildings near the NOS Center were vacant, with “For Lease” signs or boarded up windows. Many of the restaurants and businesses on the street in front of the track looked empty as well, making us wonder if people actually lived in this part of town!
When actually made our way to the driver’s meeting, we were surprised at how many people actually made it to the event. Grassroots drift event regulars like Hiro Sumida, Yoshie Shuyama, Colin Frost, Quoc Ly, and the newly blonde Taka Aono were some of the Formula D pro drivers in attendance (as judges and volunteer staff) , but we were pretty surprised to see guys like Daijiro Yoshihara there, who was also apparently there to help judge the event, looking quite a bit more “dressed-up” than anyone else at the venue!
Aside from the Formula D pro drivers, there were actually quite a few members of the automotive media in attendance – this Megan Drift Competition was a bigger deal than we initially expected. Modified Magazine, Urbanracer, EverythingDrift, and MotorworldHype were just some of the automotive media outlets shooting coverage. We also ran into our friends Josh Herron and Will “B-Roll” Roegge, the drifting scene’s new dynamic video duo, who can always be seen trackside, each rocking a Panasonic video camera, fluid head tripod, and forest of facial hair.
There were also quite a few Formula D Pro-Am drivers at this event making their return to drifting, like Lance Feliciano (pictured above in the EatSleepRace hat), Andy Hateley and Stanley Tran.
Lance Feliciano’s Full Race S14 was having engine problems all day during the open practice sessions. His SR20DET sounded like a popcorn machine, unresponsive and producing zero power. If I remember correctly, they were having alternator issues?? With hard work from his good friends, he was able to get the engine fixed and running well again in time for qualifying. Even though he didn’t have any practice at all, he did very well in qualifying, proving that Justin Pawlak isn’t the only OG member of the Dori Dori Club with skills!
North Hollywood AE86er Kelvin Arreola was competing in his FC3S RX7. Kelvin tells us he got his car for free, so he enrolled in welding classes at a community college just to use their equipment to make the roll cage in his car. He also has another FC that he’s apparently trying to build with an LS1 engine swap, envious of the power and torque and reliability that Mike Essa‘s gold FC (pictured, behind) enjoys.
San Diego-based All Star Bashers Tommy Roberts (gold S13) and Matt Powers (green S14) were tearing it up in their typical aggressive style, running close tandem on just about every portion of the track. It’s no secret that these two cars are some of my favorite cars at grassroots drifting events because of their aggressive stance and driving style.
Here’s Matt Powers again, getting ready to launch his S14 into the bowl at the NOS Center’s oval track, as Jin from US Earth looks on, fully suited up. Just look at how much the details of this car stand out – neon green control arms, bright orange tow strap, and super fat wheels? Come on.
Stanley Tran is always smoking (LOL)! We haven’t seen Stan’s red RPS13 at a drifting event in a minute! He hasn’t driven any events in quite a while, since he’s been busy with his work at NBC Universal, but he proved yesterday that he can still tear it up with the best of them, and it won’t take too long for him to get back in the groove and win JustDrift Top Drift Battles again.
We’ve seen the driver of this R33 Skyline, Ryan Litteral, at Adams Kart Track in the past, using his R33 to put on a fashion show for all the scene girls in the 909 area. He was back at it at, ripping it up in the 33 again during the Megan Racing Competition. Not bad for a car he purchased for only $5000… and that’s “with papers!”
We’ll finish this first coverage update from the 4th of July Drift Competition with this shot of Mike Essa’s FC3S RX7 charging into the the first sweeping left hand turn. This FC definitely had us open. Mike was definitely killing it, with big angle and big smoke throughout the entire course.
This is just the first half of the coverage. Be sure to stay tuned to Motor Mavens for Part 2 of the Megan Racing Drift Competition, coming very very soon!
While we were out at the event and hanging out with friends, watching fireworks afterwards… apparently some $#!theads stole my truck right in front of my place, and last night my favorite uncle had a stroke. He’s in the hospital now, and I can’t even go and visit him cause the @$$holes took my truck.
I just decided to post up these photos while waiting for my friends to come pick me up and help me deal with all this drama. Until next time… peace out, and keep an eye out for my truck!
:: Antonio Alvendia
Damn good job Antonio! Sucks about the truck and more importantly your uncle. Hang in there homie.
Good stuff Antonio! I need to hurry up and move to SoCal so I can experience this stuff on the regular.
Really cool event! Great photos as usual.
Sorry about your truck. What a bunch of Douche bags.
I’m also sorry to hear about you uncle. I hope everything will be ok.
Yo Antonio. Hope all is well with the family. Thanks for the shout out. Really like the snaps. Especially the grading on Essa’s with the lightpost shadow. Very solid stuff as always.
Sick! Sick! Antonio! Was good seeing you there man, sorry about the truck and let me know if you need anything info wise from the event. Prayer goes out to your uncle too. That really sucks.
mmm…yah i thought lance should’ve won his tandem run
Great job Antonio. Sucks about the truck foreal. But it is insured though right?
Nonetheless, very nice pics. Last time I saw you was during Big X 2007 when I still work for magazines. I really need to get out more.
yeah lance shouldve won that tandem.
kid can drive. amazing he did all that with a STOCK diff.
Ant, def sorry to hear about that truck, and your uncle. Let me know if you need anything.
if you make a video for this event you can use the song san berdoo bunburn by eagles of death metal. i’m glad that both sd cars are back up and running.
@Mike Garrett: Thanks alot for the comments Mike. Glad to see you check this site too! Yeah man, you gotta come down here ASAP! You’ll love it. (Obviously) Lmk if you and Kaori ever need help finding a place or something. I can keep an eye out.
@Will Roegge: Thanks alot B-Roll (hahaha jk dude), we need to link up and chill again soon! I can’t find your number again, I forgot to save it in my phone. I’ll just hit you up through Josh!
@George: Thanks alot man, great seeing you guys too! I’ll talk to Andy and the other guys – let’s do this!
@Alan and @Dax: hey thanks you guys… Dax, we’re looking forward to seeing more heat from you and Mike! Show off your skills!
@Robert Kawasaki: Hey man! Hisashiburi! I can’t wait to get back to Ebisu… it’s nice to see you commenting and checking this site! Are you still in Japan? What part?
@Pat Haire: dude. so true! awesome idea… no video from us though… you gotta wait for whatever dopeness Will and Josh shot!
@ceez cuz, @Tree, and @de rafols: thanks guys! wait… you just found out that Lance was driving with an open diff? do you mean the LSD wasn’t locking up, or the car he just bought didn’t have an LSD, but you thought it did?
Wassup Ant! I’m really impressed wit your work, man!!! You really have taken your passion for art and photography to the next, next level. I’m glad to see that you’ve got some great things going on in your life. I’m sorry to hear about your truck being stolen and even more sorry to hear about your uncle. My wife and I will say a prayer for you. I wish you nothin’ but the best in life, man…you’ve always been a good person!
@Antonio No i left Japan 2 and a half years ago, im in florida right now about to move again. im sure we’ll see each other again in some event.
Great coverage Antonio! Really sorry to read about your truck and especially your fam.
God Bless and look after your Uncle.
Great post Antonio, pics n°7 is my favourite.
Can’t wait for Will& Josh videos.
Love the last shot Antonio
Hey Antonio, thanks for the shout out and the great shots as always. Your pics are always sick.
sorry to hear about your truck and uncle, I will pray for his recovery.
Pingback : Hits Megan Racing Drift Competition
Forgive my stupid question, but is there a spot where you tell us what events you’re gonna shoot before they happen? So maybe I could see this action live? (I mean, your shots are as close as I’m gonna get if I’m not actually there, true.)
Your uncle is in our prayers, and your truck… well it’s probably in pieces. Damn. Shitty day. Sorry. Dumplings are needed…
Thanks for taking a photo of my car. Your shots are dope…
I look forward to part 2 of this.
Its also shitty to hear about your truck and then uncle man, keep your head up..
Antonio, great coverage. Nice to see the site is being updated regularly. Sorry about your truck and Uncle. Hope everything works out for the better. Keep up the great work!
That last shot of the FC is beautiful!
‘Stuck on the photo of the green seven!! Makes me want to get another rotary!!! Thanks for rep’n that Mazda power!!!